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Today's News and Features

4 Tips for Staying Hydrated This Summer

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

By Barbara Pronin Why is it important to stay hydrated when the sun beats down in summer? Because not drinking enough water, say experts at the Mayo Clinic, can lead to headaches, confusion, slowed reaction times, diarrhea, and heat injuries ranging in severity from mild heat cramps to heat exhaustion or potentially life-threatening heatstroke. It is also a major factor in the development of kidney stones.

Yet too many Americans, even those who regularly exercise, do not drink enough water daily to stay healthy. Because water is your body's principal chemical component, and makes up about 60 percent of your body weight, your body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue and organ in your body needs water to work properly. In fact, water:

- Keeps your temperature normal
- Lubricates and cushions joints
- Protects sensitive tissue
- Gets rid of wastes through urination, perspiration and bowel movements

Guidelines suggest that eight glasses of water daily is a good place to start, although that amount should be boosted when you perspire more in hot or humid weather and/or increase your level of activity.

Since about 20 percent of water intake comes from fruits, vegetables, meats and other foods, eating a proper diet is helpful, experts say. But drinking enough plain water daily is essential in summer, especially for children and the elderly.

Experts offer four simple ways to ensure you stay hydrated and healthy:

Carry a water bottle - Keep one at your desk and one in your car and sip throughout the day wherever you are.

Grab water when you’re frazzled - Studies show that people feel instantly more alert after drinking water. It’s a simple, healthy way to snap out of a midday slump.

Sip on herbal tea in the evening - If you do this every day, you’ll add an extra cup of fluid to your daily total - and the relaxing ritual is a great way to help ease the day’s stress and tension.

Eat a diet rich in whole foods - Eating water-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, and yogurt are a sensible way to up your fluid intake. 

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