Griffis Team
Exit Realty Screamin' Eagle
919-B Tiny Town Road, Clarksville, TN37042
Michael GriffisO: 931-919-5100C: 931-320-3382
Amanda GriffisO: 931-919-5100C: 931-320-3383

Today's News and Features

7 Common Traits of Highly Promotable Employees

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

By Barbara Pronin

Most employees want – even expect – to be promoted. As colleagues move up, they begin to examine the reasons behind promotion.

HubSpot co-founder Dharmesh Shah maintains that attitude is the driving force behind promotions. reported the seven employee traits named by Shah and other corporate executives as those most likely to result in promotion:

Humility – Arrogant people think they know everything. Promotions will more likely go to those who share the credit, are always learning, and are willing to take on any assignment.

Being a team player – Like most athletes, people don’t accomplish as much on their own as they do when they support, and are supported by, teammates. Bosses notice when an employee is devoted to team and customer service.

Optimism – While pessimists seem to draw energy away, optimistic employees add energy and enthusiasm to any business situation. They are willing to take intelligent risks because they’re focused on what can go right.

Being a doer, not just a planner – Planning is important, of course. But the best employees develop an idea, create a strategy, set up a basic operational plan...and then execute, adapt, revise, refine, and make incredible things happen.

Being quick to volunteer – The best employees are natural volunteers. They volunteer for extra tasks. They volunteer for responsibility before responsibility is delegated. They volunteer to train or mentor new employees. They offer to help people who need help--and even those who don't.

Adaptability – Things constantly change in high-growth companies. Inflexible people tend to grow uncomfortable with change and consciously or unconsciously -to slow things down. Great employees respond to change with excitement.

Being a teacher, not a truant officer - Truant officer types tend to give "advice." Do this. Don't do that. A teacher gives knowledge, helps other people gain experience, and willingly gives other people tools they can use. In the process, a teacher builds the teams that become an organization’s life blood.

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