Griffis Team
Exit Realty Screamin' Eagle
919-B Tiny Town Road, Clarksville, TN37042
Michael GriffisO: 931-919-5100C: 931-320-3382
Amanda GriffisO: 931-919-5100C: 931-320-3383

Today's News and Features

Preparedness Month Reminders Can Protect You Year-Round

Thursday, October 15, 2015

By John Voket

Although September was National Preparedness Month, it's still important to make sure you're prepped for a storm year-round.  This year, we are passing on some important tips on surviving a power outage with minimal hassle and damage to the electrical systems and appliances in your home from Eversource Energy, which provides electric and gas utility services in a number of states.

Before a storm hits:

  • Build an Emergency Kit with essential items to meet the unique needs of your family. To help build your kit, the Federal Emergency Management Agency ( has a detailed checklist available.
  • Stock up on non-perishables, such as canned goods and pet food, and make sure you have adequate medical supplies and prescriptions for yourself and your pets.
  • Pick up some paper goods: paper plates, paper towels, plastic ware.
  • Turn the temperature controls on your refrigerator and freezer to the coldest setting to keep food cold in the event of a power outage.
  • Fill several large containers with water for drinking and also fill the bath tub so you have water to flush your toilet.
  • Keep flashlights, batteries, candles and matches on hand and make sure they are available throughout the house.
  • Have a battery-powered radio available.
  • Make sure you have fresh batteries that are the correct size for the flashlights and radio. Be sure there’s a first aid kit in the house.
  • Fill your car with gasoline since you don’t know where you’ll have to go. Your car can also be a good place to get warm, as long as you keep it well ventilated and don’t go to sleep while it is running.
  • Be prepared to cook outside. You can use charcoal or propane grills or even a camping cook stove if the power goes out. However, never bring grills inside!
  • Have extra gasoline on hand if you own an electric generator.
  • Place a list of emergency numbers near a phone (landline, since cordless phones don’t work during outages) and in your mobile phone: Red Cross, fire, police, family doctor.
  • Invest in an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). During a momentary power outage, the UPS will continue to provide power to your personal computer. (A UPS is not designed to operate a computer indefinitely, only long enough to allow users time to save their work and shut down properly.)

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